Lifestyle-Based Treatment Can Help Slow and Prevent Dementia

BY TOG Network Solutions | Mar 15, 2023

Recent research has shown that a lifestyle-based treatment program targeting brain health reduced dementia risk by 30%. The results of this 2-year program were compared to those yielded from standard provider recommendations, including generic guidance such as eating right and exercising.

Health care providers of all disciplines educate at-risk patients on how to maintain brain health and minimize their chances of developing dementia. Yet, much of this advice is also offered to patients looking to prevent other health conditions. This program not only offered a more structured routine for individuals with mild cognitive deficits, but it also involved many self-directed activities that people can easily incorporate into their lives.

The regimen included one-hour exercise sessions three to seven days each week and group cognitive training that led to 10-15-minute virtual cognitive training sessions three times weekly. Additionally, the program involved counseling from a nutritionist, which included logging foods and regular physician visits to manage comorbidities.

Dementia has been the subject of research for years, as scientists have medications that treat symptoms but none that successfully slow the progression of the condition itself. The results of this study are promising not only for individuals with early signs of dementia but also for younger individuals looking to lower their risk of neurological conditions.

The details of this lifestyle-based approach can also help inform employee wellness programs, rehabilitation clinic modalities, and other treatments across provider networks. In light of a greater focus on health and wellness, prevention-based treatments are becoming more sought after by the general public. Additionally, many insurers are offering greater coverage for preventive care services within their provider networks. This is because interventions such as screenings, check-ups, and patient counseling often lead to improved outcomes, decreased utilization, and greater savings down the line.

All disciplines within a provider network should aim to incorporate prevention into their treatments, whether it be educating patients on how to reduce their risk of certain conditions or implementing new methods of care. It is worthwhile to partner with organizations that have a shared emphasis on outcomes via preventive measures, so consider looking at your current provider network from a different lens. Contact TOG Network Solutions for more assistance in restructuring your network.

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