Three Steps to Improve Patient Compliance Within Your Provider Network

BY TOG Network Solutions | Feb 15, 2023

A Notable survey conducted in March of 2022 found that over 60% of patients chose not to visit the doctor in the past year. These individuals cited scheduling difficulties as the chief reason for their decision. 

As health insurance companies strive to improve patient health outcomes, they should consider the findings of this study. By encouraging scheduling compliance, insurers can play a critical role in improving patient health outcomes.

One way health insurance companies can encourage scheduling compliance is by offering incentives to patients who attend their appointments as scheduled. This can include covering the cost of transportation, providing access to telemedicine, or offering rewards for meeting specific health goals.

In addition, health insurance companies can also work with their provider networks to improve the scheduling process. For example, insurers can provide resources to help health care providers reduce wait times, streamline appointment scheduling, and improve access to care. By working together, insurance companies and health care providers can create a more efficient and effective health care system that supports the health and well-being of their patients.

To achieve results related to this study, health insurance companies may want to consider taking the following action steps:

  1. Evaluate the current state of scheduling compliance within their patient population.
  2. Develop and implement strategies to encourage scheduling compliance, such as offering incentives and working with health care providers to improve the scheduling process.
  3. Monitor the impact of these strategies on patient health outcomes and make adjustments as needed.

It is also advised to frequently assess patient satisfaction with all current and newly integrated technology solutions. The Notable survey found 40% of patients reported an unsatisfactory digital health experience, which led them to change providers. 

Digital tools are not measuring up to the expectations many patients have for them. As a result, these tools are not proving to be worthwhile investments for medical facilities. Yet, the survey found that patients remain optimistic about improved health care technology solutions. 

Health insurance companies can support their provider networks by helping providers identify and implement technology solutions with the highest industry approval ratings. Insurers can also provide resources to help their provider networks effectively introduce new technology solutions for patients, including best practice guidelines for training and real-time technical support.

By taking a proactive approach to encouraging scheduling compliance and patient satisfaction with newly introduced technology solutions, health insurance companies can help ensure the best possible health outcomes within their provider networks.

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