The Good and Bad of Patient Messaging

BY TOG Network Solutions | Sep 21, 2021

We love the convenience of virtual channels for messaging, video conferencing, and more. But are they always the best option for communication between health care providers and patients?

Many large health organizations cite that follow-up emails and “on-demand” features that allow patients to quickly leave reviews has provided them with valuable feedback. Research has also shown this has led to far more information sharing from patients. This not only leads to better quality of care but it makes patients feel more part of the treatment process.

On the flipside, there is such a thing as too much digital contact. In fact, studies have shown that patients who receive multiple forms of contact (email, phone calls, text messages, etc.) from their health care providers are much more likely to opt out of communications entirely.

These studies have focused on assessing patient response to automated messages, which were the most likely to result in fatigue and perceived over use. Health care providers should use these cookie-cutter communications sparingly and only as necessary. More personalized content sent directly from health care clinicians to patients can serve a greater benefit.

Providers and organizations wishing to use patient messaging and other virtual forms of communication in their practice should be mindful of confidentiality. All platforms must be HIPAA-compliant, encrypted, and password-protected. This not only ensures the safe transfer and storage of data, but allows optimal privacy for all parties. A reliable IT team should be used to support these services and make updates as needed.

Similar to technology, insurance trends can change in the blink of an eye. The best way to help your company keep up with the times is to build a solid provider network. Reach out to TOG today for a consultation.

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