TOG Blog

Organizations Attempt to Retain Staff as Medicaid Rate Negotiations Continue

BY TOG Network Solutions | Aug 23, 2023

Medicaid rate changes continue to impact health care providers in all practice areas. But many people don’t know that most legislators agree a rate increase is key to the continuation…

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Enrollment Surges are Placing Strain on Affordable Care Act Infrastructure

BY TOG Network Solutions | Jun 20, 2023

Just over 13 years after it was first enacted, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) seems to be experiencing major infrastructure issues. Unlike some systems issues of the same nature, this…

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New Pricing Transparency Rules Favor In-network Data

BY TOG Network Solutions | May 18, 2023

Price transparency has been a hot topic over the past few years. It all began with the Hospital Price Transparency Rule, which was passed in 2020 just as the COVID-19…

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Personalized, Affordable Health Plans Prove to be More Engaging

BY TOG Network Solutions | May 05, 2023

Nearly 88% of people looking for health insurance value personalization in their plans as much or more than they did one year ago. It’s no surprise that this number has…

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Role Clarity Improves Patient Outcomes

BY TOG Network Solutions | Apr 28, 2023

With a combination of medical jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms, it’s all too common for patients to be left in the dark about their health care treatment. That’s why the term…

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Better Outcomes To Be Seen From Primary Care Clinics for Older Adults

BY TOG Network Solutions | Mar 22, 2023

In response to the growing number of senior citizens in the U.S., Humana has begun creating primary care centers with integrated care teams. Such centers have been designed to better…

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